"Dinesh D'Souza exposed the fraud of the 2020 Election in his film 2000 Mules.
Well now Dinesh is back and exposing the Witch Hunt that the Deep State has against ME! And the Police State is coming after you too.
Dinesh understands this, and is blowing the whistle on all of it!"
We can't let this continue. I hope everyone will watch the film, POLICE STATE!
“Police State” is a movie that I never wanted to make, because I never wanted America to get to a point where a movie like this needed to be made. I feel like the animal that alerts the herd to approaching danger, so we can take precautionary steps before it’s too late.
“The police state isn’t coming, it’s already here.
The signs are everywhere. And once you recognize them, your senses will be heightened to the danger we’re all in.”
“The relentless persecution of political opponents by the party in power is a hallmark of totalitarian countries. In a police state, the only real crime is daring to question the State. America is now a police state.”
D’Souza Media LLC presents a film produced by Dinesh D’Souza, Debbie D’Souza, and Bruce Schooley. In collaboration with Dan Bongino. Research by Julie Kelly and Peter Schweizer.
Featuring Nick Searcy. Music by Bryan E. Miller. Executive Producers Dan Bongino, Paula Bongino, Brandon Gill, Danielle D’Souza Gill, Mike Vess and Rhonda Vess. Written and directed by Dinesh D’Souza, Debbie D’Souza, and Bruce Schooley
"In our lives we go by many high walls and tall fences, never thinking of what lies beyond them. But that is where the gulag country begins."
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago
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To ensure POLICE STATE plays in theaters, we bought out hundreds of screens so we could secure the seats and sell them to you. You'll want to act fast before they’re all gone! There's nothing like seeing it in a room full of patriots. Tickets sold only on this website - not available anywhere else. Your purchase receipt at checkout will include seating instructions and answers to all other questions. Support is also standing by, 7 days a week: support@policestatefilm.net.